Two Black Nerds

The Story is The Pitch: A Discussion with Transparent Collective on Underrepresented Founders, Pitching Inverstors and More

Episode Summary

In this episode, TBN has a conversation with Rohini Pandhi and James Norman from Transparent Collective, a non-profit that helps founders from underrepresented groups access the resources they need in order to create successful companies.

Episode Notes

In this episode, TBN has a conversation with Rohini Pandhi and James Norman from Transparent Collective, a non-profit that helps founders from underrepresented groups access the resources they need in order to create successful companies. We talk about the history of TC, the progress that they’ve made so far, in addition to how they’ve structured their past events. They also give really helpful advice on the do’s and don’ts of making a pitch deck and discuss the plans for the future of the organization.


Airbnb’s First Pitch Deck
Transparent Collective’s Twitter
Transparent Collective’s Website

Our intro and outro music is Sorry by Comfort Fit